About us
From Tiny Township to Tobermory and all points in between!
Serving South Georgian Bay areas of Meaford, Thornbury, Craigleith, Collingwood, and Wasaga Beach, as well as the Owen Sound, Grey Bruce region and surrounding areas

Andy is a graduate of the Carson Dunlop College Home Inspection Course and a Member of CAPHI (Canadian Association of Property and Home Inspectors) and has earned the designations of RHI (Registered Home Inspector) and NCH (National Certificate Holder). On Sight Inspectors are also WETT Certified – SITE (Systems Inspection and Technical Evaluation) Basic Level 1, having completed the in-class written course material and exams through WETT Inc. (Wood Energy Technology Transfer) as well as the 80 weeks of field experience. These inspections are visual and non-invasive in nature.
He has also attended the University Of Guelph and successfully completed the Part 8 Ontario Building Code: On Site Sewage Systems Installer/Inspector Course and is an active member of the Ontario Onsite Wastewater Association (OOWA). This course allows him to confidently and competently inspect your residential septic system.
ITC Certified Level 1 Thermographer. This certification is intended to give the Inspector a depth of the knowledge necessary to perform IR investigations of single or multifamily dwellings to identify envelope, moisture, electrical and mechanical issues. A residential IR investigation survey can identify thermal anomalies that indicate missing insulation and insulation defects due to damage, moisture and improper installation. The IR survey can also provide indication of moisture or wetness as well as air infiltration and exfiltration.

Andy's experience comes from hands-on building and renovations. For more than 30 years, he has been continuously renovating homes he has lived in, as well as the homes of his family, friends and neighbours. During that time, he found numerous DIY issues that should have easily been found with past Home Inspections that went undetected or ignored, turning inexpensive issues into unnecessary repairs, some of them quite costly. Andy found it frustrating that people, himself included, were paying good money for a mediocre service which was supposed to provide insight into the home buying decision. That lead him to believe that there was an opportunity to provide a better service for home buyers. Through ongoing renovation projects, a certificate from Carson Dunlop Home Inspection Training Program, and mandatory continuing education courses and certifications, Andy is sure to stay informed with the concerns buyers and sellers have so that they can rest assured they will receive a proper and professional Home Inspection each and every time.